Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cheat Right

Obviously the less you cheat, the faster you will attain your fat loss goals. But most of us need something every once and a while to keep motivated and feeling human.
Making the better choice with cheat foods is important. Some cheat foods are so rich in sugar, that they can have devastating affects on our blood glucose levels. For most people, a lack of control of their blood sugar levels is what got them in the overweight boat that they are in and that is exactly why it is so important to know how to cheat right.
A really fast way to ruin things is with loads of sugar. Fruit sugar is much better, but can also be harmful is large amounts. So avoiding high sugar candy and sodas is a must. But what can you get that is not so harmful? That is where you need to educate yourself. Sugar free candies can be "ok" sometimes. For example; sugar free Mentos, sugar free gummy bears, a diet soda, and low sugar Popsicles are all ok from time to time and in moderation. Veggies are not as exciting but they are a great choice when you have the munchies. This is something you need to keep your eye out for, especially when you are at the grocery store. Familiarize yourself with the nutrition facts and become educated about what you are eating.
The most successful and fit people in this world are those who know how to cheat right. Still getting that "fix" without making devastating choices.

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