Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Childhood Overweight and Obesity

Sorry everybody. Its been a while. Holiday's keep us all busy.

This is unreal. I pulled this straight off the CDC' website.

" Obesity is a serious health concern for children and adolescents. Data from NHANES surveys (1976–1980 and 2003–2006) show that the prevalence of obesity has increased: for children aged 2–5 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 12.4%; for those aged 6–11 years, prevalence increased from 6.5% to 17.0%; and for those aged 12–19 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 17.6%.1, 8

Obese children and adolescents are at risk for health problems during their youth and as adults. For example, during their youth, obese children and adolescents are more likely to have risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease (such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and Type 2 diabetes) than are other children and adolescents.2

Obese children and adolescents are more likely to become obese as adults.3, 4 For example, one study found that approximately 80% of children who were overweight at aged 10–15 years were obese adults at age 25 years.3 Another study found that 25% of obese adults were overweight as children.5 The latter study also found that if overweight begins before 8 years of age, obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe."


Keep up the great work everyone. We first start with ourselves, then we help our children. There is no better way than to lead by example.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Whole Wheat vs White

For any kid who grew up eating doughy, thick Wonder Bread for lunch, the encouragement by dietitians and nutritionists to switch to whole wheat bread can be a tough transition.

Bread, like any other part of our diet, is an acquired taste. Starting out early helps since children are much more adaptable to accepting foods than adults. This does not mean that children LIKE as many foods as adults - children are renowned picky eaters. But if you only expose them to healthy, whole grain foods they won't have the opportunity to develop a taste for white bread or other non-nutritious foods.

Adults, however, must learn to change their diet preferences because of knowledge. Understanding why whole wheat is superior to white bread can help you feel good about the compromise and encourage you to make it the standard for your children. Who knows - you may even like it!


The two biggest differences between white bread and whole wheat are the processing and the nutritional value.

Flour is made from wheat berries. The wheat berry is made up of the bran, the germ and the endosperm. All parts are filled with nutrients and are used in whole wheat flour.

White bread on the other hand, uses only the endosperm - the starchy inner layer. There is a total of 30 nutrients missing in white bread. The nutritional difference is immense and has measurable impact on our health.


The fiber content of whole wheat bread has several health benefits.

Fiber helps the digestive system. It also creates a 'full' sensation and thus can help with weight control. Research has been conducted by Harvard and other organizations that shows men and women who eat high-fiber foods have less heart attacks and strokes than those who don't.

There is also an increased risk of diabetes in children who eat refined white flour - a risk that has been proven by the increase in cases of childhood diabetes.


Watch out for words like 'wheat flour' or 'enriched wheat flour' as they can be mostly made from white flour with just a small amount of whole wheat added in.

Look for 'whole wheat' or other whole grains, like oat. And don't be mislead by the name of the product. Names like wheat, whole bran, stoned wheat, 12 grain and others are still mostly white flour. The only way to know for sure is to read the label.


On a side note, Whole grain and whole wheat is lower glycemic, which means that you will have a lot less chance of spiking your blood sugar and storing fat. -Jared

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Herb Roasted Turkey, Mmmmmm

Hey Everybody. I have had a lot of you ask me about Thanksgiving and what you are going to do to stay on track. Good news!!!!! There are lots of healthy choices on the table. Today, I thought I would start out with a great recipe for the main course. This makes my mouth water...;

This method produces all the good looks and moist flavor you dream of in a Thanksgiving turkey. Make sure you show this beauty off at the table before you carve it. Garnish your serving platter with fresh herb sprigs and citrus wedges.

Makes 12 servings, 3 ounces each, plus plenty of leftovers

ACTIVE TIME: 30 minutes

TOTAL TIME: 3 1/2 hours


1 10- to 12-pound turkey
1/4 cup minced fresh herbs plus 20 whole sprigs, such as thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano and/or marjoram, divided
2 tablespoons canola oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Aromatics: onion, apple, lemon and/or orange, cut into 2-inch pieces (1 1/2 cups)
3 cups water, plus more as needed

1. Position a rack in the lower third of the oven; preheat to 475°F.
2. Remove giblets and neck from turkey cavities and reserve for making gravy. Place the turkey, breast-side up, on a rack in a large roasting pan; pat dry with paper towels. Mix minced herbs, oil, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Rub the herb mixture all over the turkey, under the skin and onto the breast meat. Place aromatics and 10 of the herb sprigs in the cavity. Tuck the wing tips under the turkey. Tie the legs together with kitchen string. Add 3 cups water and the remaining 10 herb sprigs to the pan.
3. Roast the turkey until the skin is golden brown, 45 minutes.
Remove the turkey from the oven. If using a remote digital thermometer, insert it into the deepest part of the thigh, close to the joint. Cover the breast with a double layer of foil, cutting as necessary to conform to the breast. Reduce oven temperature to 350° and continue roasting for 11/4 to 13/4 hours more. If the pan dries out, tilt the turkey to let juices run out of the cavity into the pan and add 1 cup water. The turkey is done when the thermometer (or an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh without touching bone) registers 165°F.
4. Transfer the turkey to a serving platter and cover with foil. Let the turkey rest for 20 minutes. Remove string and carve.

NUTRITION INFORMATION: Per serving (without skin): 155 calories; 5 g fat (1 g sat, 2 g mono); 63 mg cholesterol; 0 g carbohydrate; 25 g protein; 0 g fiber; 175 mg sodium; 258 mg potassium.

0 Carbohydrate Servings

MAKE AHEAD TIP: Equipment: Large roasting pan, roasting rack, kitchen string, thermometer


Friday, November 7, 2008


This article doesnt have much to do with health and fitness. But I find this totally interesting.

Bananapocalypse: a favorite fruit slips toward extinction
Scientists race to create a hybrid to take the place of the dwindling Cavendish banana
By Ben Whitford

Back in 2003, the magazine New Scientist ran a cover story declaring that the banana was on the brink of extinction. The problem, the article explained, was that commercial bananas were genetically bankrupt: sterile, seedless clones with no genetic diversity and no resistance to a new wave of virulent fungal diseases. “The banana business has reached crisis point,” the magazine gravely pronounced. “The world’s favorite fruit could disappear forever in 10 years’ time.”

The prediction sparked a media storm, with newspapers around the world warning their readers that the humble banana was heading for oblivion. Five years on, though, bananas are still being sliced into breakfast cereal across the country: Upwards of 100 million metric tons of bananas are being produced each year, feeding a $5 billion export market. The curved yellow fruit remains the fourth most important food crop in the world, and a dietary staple of some 600 million people across Latin American and sub-Saharan Africa. So has the world’s favorite fruit pulled back from the brink―or are we still en route for bananageddon?

In fact, scientists say, the outlook is still pretty bleak for the banana. Commercial growers remain wedded to a single variety known as the Cavendish, the bright yellow fruit found on US supermarket shelves; meanwhile, a lethal and fungicide-resistant infection called Panama Disease has decimated plantations across Southeast Asia and is widely expected to spread into plantations in Latin America and Africa. “It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when,” says Randy Ploetz, a plant pathologist at the University of Florida. “These are serious problems that haven’t changed since the New Scientist article.”

Lest we underestimate the risk of a Cavendish catastrophe, it’s worth remembering that today’s top banana was itself introduced as a replacement for the bigger and tastier Gros Michel banana, which was all but wiped out by Panama Disease in the 1950s. By 1960, outbreaks had destroyed stock worth $400 million, equivalent to more than $2.9 billion at today’s prices; only the speedy introduction of the more resistant Cavendish saved banana giants like Chiquita and Dole from bankruptcy. Now, researchers say, a new strain of Panama Disease has adapted to target Cavendish bananas―and this time, there’s no replacement waiting in the wings.

That’s driven scientists at the non-profit Honduran Agricultural Research Foundation to try to create an understudy for the Cavendish by cross-breeding the plant with “heirloom” species gathered from around the world. But creating hybrids from sterile, slow-growing plants is a thankless task: each year researchers painstakingly cross-pollenate thousands of banana plants, then peel and examine millions of bananas in the hope of finding one or two seeds. Even then, there’s no telling whether the seed will germinate, let alone produce a palatable or disease-resistant fruit. “It takes about four years, if everything works,” says Adolfo Martinez, the foundation’s director. “The chances of success are very small.”

To make matters worse, the dominance of the Cavendish banana is leading to the erosion of banana diversity in the wild and on subsistence farms in India and Africa. “We’re losing those [wild] bananas, and with them the chance to strengthen the Cavendish,” says banana historian Dan Koeppel, author of Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World.

That’s led researchers at Belgium’s Catholic University of Leuven to begin cryogenically preserving bananas from around the world, in a last-ditch attempt to preserve their genetic patterns. The Leuven team is also working to sequence the banana’s genome, with a view to isolating the genes that regulate disease resistance; it’s still early days, but the group has already begun field trials of a Gros Michel banana patched with resistance-boosting genes from rice plants. “I don’t believe we’ll lose the banana in five years,” says Rony Swennen, director of Leuven’s Laboratory for Tropical Crop Improvement. “But it’ll happen in our lifetime, even if we can’t say exactly when. It’s our duty as scientists to try to be ready."


Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Fun

Fall is a great time for exercise outdoors! Many people see the summer disappear, and think that its all over. Dont be one of the many. Grab a jacket, your bike and get outside. There are plenty of fall activities you can do when you are outside. If you are going to attain the body you have always wanted, then you need to change your attitude. There should never be a time in your life when you say....."There is nothing active that I can do right now because the weather isnt nice enough."

I have posted pieces from an article that I found and really liked. It gets straight to the point. It is targeted at an "older" population. But, we are only as old as we think we are.

" Attitude – The number one way you can improve the aging process is to take charge of your attitude. Your sense of hope, humor and confidence will determine the tone of your experience. You might be reading this thinking that having a good attitude is easier said than done. That would be true, but it is also true that your attitude is one thing you have full control over.

Nutrition – The importance of a balanced and healthy diet to healthy aging cannot be overstated. Eating well can make you feel and look better, help your body run more smoothly, ward off colds and sickness, and contribute to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels (which in turn help protect you against heart disease and stroke). On the most basic level, your eating habits should reflect a desire to give your body the fuel it needs to run efficiently. Fruit, vegetables, protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats should make up your meals. Shedding any extra weight is especially important as you get older, a result which should be achieved with a sensible, balanced diet and regular exercise. Changes to your diet should reflect the changing needs of your body as an older person. Your doctor should be able to help you identify how your nutritional needs are different and how you can account for them.

Exercise – Regular exercise is another cornerstone of healthy living as you age. As your body slows down, you might be tempted to skip the exercise because it is harder to do and you feel challenged physically. This is the wrong thing to do. The most important thing to remember about exercise as you get older is that it does not need to be strenuous, it just needs to be consistent. Regular physical activity will help your body function more effectively in many ways. It helps with weight loss and maintenance, combats anxiety and depression, keeps bones, muscles and joints working properly, relieves symptoms of arthritis and reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and some types of cancer. As you age, you might need to change the types of exercise you do, but anything that gets you moving is good. Walking, housework, gardening and even babysitting the grandchildren can count as exercise.

Sleep – Achieving quality sleep becomes more difficult for many people as they get older. On average, people aged 50 to 85 sleep about 6 hours per day. Over 50% of men and women over age 65 complain of at least one chronic sleep problem. Many people accept sleep difficulties as a fact of aging. It is true that as we get older, our sleep patterns change, but it is equally true that good restorative sleep is essential to our physical health and emotional well-being. Possible causes of poor nighttime sleep for older people abound. Sleeping poorly might be the cause of big changes in life, health issues, medication, stress or anxiety. Getting a good night's rest becomes more difficult and can require you to be more conscious of your sleep environment and your sleep routine."


These are habits that we need to change for life. Our overall wellness depends on it. I promise you that you will notice a difference if you start today. Life is worth more than worrying about developing health problems. Its worth enjoying. So stop with the instant gratification, and get to work.

- Jared Hansen

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Health

Nutrition and Halloween aren’t two words that are normally seen together, but it is possible to promote healthy eating habits during the Halloween season.

Here are some tips:

Fill kids’ bellies with a nutritious meal before they head out for trick-or-treating. This way, they are less likely to fill up on empty calorie foods. Giving kids healthy foods first will reduce the chances of overindulgence.
Pass out non-food treats such as those found at children’s birthday parties: pencils, note pads, bubbles, noisemakers, etc. If you have leftovers, these treats can easily be stored for use the following year. Just be sure not to pass out choking hazards to young children (coins, rings, etc).
Granola bars, pretzels, cheese and cracker packs, sugar free gum, packets of instant hot chocolate, raisins, and nuts are some healthy alternatives. (Note that raisins and nuts are choking hazard for young children).
If you must pass out candy bars, get the smaller fun sized ones. And only give one or two — not a handful — to your trick-or-treaters. Some candy bars have less fat and calories than others- read the labels before you buy.
Ration the loot: Total restriction of candy isn’t healthy- anything that is restricted or denied tends to take on greater appeal. On the other hand, allowing your child to devour an entire bag of candy is a sure bet for a stomachache. Stick to small servings by only allowing your child one or two pieces of candy per sitting as a dessert after a healthy meal. A few days after Halloween, put the candy out of sight and out of mind You can ration out the treats later.
Buy your Halloween candy at the last minute to avoid tempting yourself and other family members. Buy less than you think you will need.
Beware of cavities: Halloween candy, as well as any sticky, sugary food, can easily promote tooth decay. Make sure children brush their teeth well after a candy snack and before going to bed.
Keeping in mind common sense, a little forethought and moderation, Halloween can remain good, scary, delicious fun for children and adults alike!


From Jared to You! Have a great Halloween everyone.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dairy Foods Help Burn Fat, Speed Weight Loss

Dairy Products Beat Calcium for Weight Loss

In the study, researchers compared the effects of three different calorie-restricted diets on weight loss in 32 obese adults. Each of the participants reduced their daily calorie intake by about 500 calories per day for 24 weeks and were divided into three groups:

  • High-dairy. Total calcium intake of 1,200-1,300 milligrams per day from three to four servings of dairy foods, specifically milk, hard cheese, and yogurt.
  • High-calcium supplemented/low-dairy. Total calcium intake of 1,200-1,300 milligrams per day made up of no more than one serving of dairy per day plus an 800-milligram calcium supplement.
  • Low-calcium/low-dairy. Total calcium intake of 400-500 milligrams per day with no more than one serving of dairy per day and a placebo supplement.

Researchers say participants were free to choose from fat-free, low-fat, and regular milk, cheese, and yogurt. They typically picked fat-free and low-fat milk and yogurt and regular cheeses, while keeping their overall fat intake the same.

Serving sizes were 8 ounces or a cup for milk and yogurt and 1.5 ounces of hard cheese (about the size of six dice) or 2 ounces of processed cheese, such as two slices of American cheese.

The study showed that all of the groups lost weight, but those who ate the dairy-rich diet lost the most with an average of 24 pounds compared with 19 pounds in the calcium supplement group and 15 pounds in the low-calcium/low-dairy group.

Dairy Products Beat Calcium for Weight Loss continued...

That translates to a loss of an average of 11% of total body weight for those in the high-dairy group versus 6% in the low-calcium/low-dairy group.

"What that means is that if you're including three to four servings of dairy in your diet, you can make a modest degree of calorie restriction as effective as a severe degree of calorie restriction," Zemel tells WebMD.

In addition, researchers found the high-dairy group lost significantly more body fat than those in the other groups, particularly from the midsection. Excess fat in the abdominal area has been linked to a higher risk of heart attack and other health problems.

Dairy's Role in Weight Loss

Previous studies have shown that calcium can boost weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells. But experts say this study suggests that taking in calcium from dairy products may actually improve on those effects.

"Dairy for some reason, yet unexplained, has a greater effect on fat loss and specifically trunk fat loss than does calcium alone," says Rachel Novotny, PhD, RD, professor and chair of the department of human nutrition, food, and animal sciences at the University of Hawaii in Manoa.

Although the bulk of dairy's weight-loss enhancing effects is caused by its calcium content, researchers say there are a variety of potential mechanisms that may explain those additional benefits and merit further research.

For example, Novotny says that some of the minerals in dairy products, such as phosphorous and magnesium, may enhance calcium's beneficial effects on fat breakdown within the cells. In addition, the proteins in dairy products may help preserve muscle and increase metabolism.

But Novotny and Zemel are careful to point out that the results shouldn't be interpreted as license to indulge in dairy products in hopes of spurring weight loss. They caution that the bottom line of successful weight loss is still burning more calories than you take in.

"The question is whether within those calories are there choices you can make that will enhance the results," says Novotny. "I think the findings suggest that dairy products and calcium can be helpful in preserving muscle, losing fat from the upper body, and actually enhancing the weight loss process."


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Top 6 Benefits of Glutamine to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

Glutamine (also called l-glutamine) is one of the most abundant non-essential amino acids found in the human body. It is found circulating in the bloodstream and stored in the skeletal muscles. In fact, more than 55% of the free-form amino acids in skeletal muscle is l-glutamine.

However, there is evidence that l-glutamine becomes a conditionally essential amino acid with strenuous exercise, such as intense weight training or aerobic/cardio exercises. Up to 50% of your body's glutamine can be depleted during intense weight training for muscle building or burning fat. As a result, the benefits of glutamine are numerous for people who want to build muscle and burn fat.

In its supplement form, l-glutamine generally comes in a flavorless, odorless white powder, in capsules, or mixed into your protein powders and shakes. In addition to glutamine supplements, this amino acid can be found from many dietary sources such as beef, chicken, dairy products, eggs, and several vegetable sources such as beets, beans and spinach.

Benefits of L-Glutamine

  1. One of the most important benefits of L-Glutamine, particularly for those who want to build muscle, is its ability to slow the rate of muscle breakdown.

    This results in increased strength and endurance during intense exercise, meaning that you can lift heavier weights, longer, and train more often. This anti-catabolic effect is one of the most important glutamine benefits.

  2. By preserving muscle tissue, glutamine also enhances your ability to burn fat. Your metabolism is directly related to the amount lean body mass. The more lean body mass (muscle, skeleton, etc.) that you carry, the faster your metabolism burns, and the easier it becomes to burn fat.

    However, when losing weight, we often lose muscle as well. The ability to slow this muscle loss is another of the glutamine benefits.

  3. Another fat burning benefit of l-glutamine is that it may act to suppress appetite. There is some evidence in animal studies that glutamine supplementation may help control appetite.
  4. Another of the benefits of l-glutamine is its effects on the immune system. Intense training puts stress not only on your muscles, but also on your immune system as well. Glutamine helps your body to recover more efficiently after a workout, which benefits your immune system as well as your muscles.
  5. Also on the list of glutamine benefits is its ability to enhance growth hormone levels. This obviously has implications to those wanting to build muscle. There have been studies suggesting that 2 grams of L-Glutamine supplementation may increase growth hormone levels by up to 400%.
  6. L-glutamine is made up of approximately 20% nitrogen. This makes it one of the best suppliers of nitrogen to your muscles. As a result, a popular muscle building/preserving supplement stack is l-glutamine with l-arginine.

Not only is this amino acid important for people looking to build muscle, but its muscle building and preserving effects are exactly the reasons that it is important for people who want to burn fat as well.

If you want to build muscle and burn fat, then you cannot overlook the many benefits of glutamine.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Awesome Results

Megan finished up her program several weeks ago. What is cool is that she lives in Idaho. We did her whole program over the phone and online. Great job!!! Megan Lost 14.4 lbs on the scale and 4.3% body fat. You motivate us all.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

AMAZING Salmon Recipe

Here is an amazing recipe you have to try. Even if you are not a fish fan, this will knock your socks off.

All you need is 5 ingredients. The salmon, of course. Fennel seeds, corriander, and grey sea salt. All of these can be found in the spices section of the grocery store. The last one is some fresh salsa, like pico de galo or home made. Grind the spices into a powder and use it as a breading. You can bake it or grill it on a piece of tin foil. Put the salsa on top and enjoy. Its AWESOME.

Friday, September 19, 2008

What's with Caffiene?

In humans, caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, having the effect of temporarily warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness. Beverages containing caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks enjoy great popularity. Caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive substance, but unlike most others, it is legal and unregulated in nearly all jurisdictions. In North America, 90% of adults consume caffeine daily.[5] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration lists caffeine as a "Multiple Purpose Generally Recognized as Safe Food Substance".[6] One 2008 study suggested that women consuming 200 milligrams or more of caffeine per day had about twice the miscarriage risk as women who had none, while another 2008 study found no link between miscarriage and caffeine consumption.[7] Caffeine is also a common ingredient of soft drinks such as cola, originally prepared from kola nuts. Soft drinks typically contain about 10 to 50 milligrams of caffeine per serving. By contrast, energy drinks such as Red Bull contain as much as 80 milligrams of caffeine per serving. The caffeine in these drinks either originates from the ingredients used or is an additive derived from the product of decaffeination or from chemical synthesis. Guarana, a prime ingredient of energy drinks, contains large amounts of caffeine with small amounts of theobromine and theophylline in a naturally occurring slow-release excipient.[20]
Chocolate derived from cocoa contains a small amount of caffeine. The weak stimulant effect of chocolate may be due to a combination of theobromine and theophylline as well as caffeine.[21] Chocolate contains too little of these compounds for a reasonable serving to create effects in humans that are on par with coffee. A typical 28-gram serving of a milk chocolate bar has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.
In recent years various manufacturers have begun putting caffeine into tablets, claiming that using caffeine of pharmaceutical quality improves mental alertness and is used by students that are studying for their exams. It is also used by people who work or drive for long hours. [24]
Effects when taken in moderation
The precise amount of caffeine necessary to produce effects varies from person to person depending on body size and degree of tolerance to caffeine. It takes less than an hour for caffeine to begin affecting the body and a mild dose wears off in three to four hours.[34] Consumption of caffeine does not eliminate the need for sleep: it only temporarily reduces the sensation of being tired.
With these effects, caffeine is an ergogenic: increasing the capacity for mental or physical labor. A study conducted in 1979 showed a 7% increase in distance cycled over a period of two hours in subjects who consumed caffeine compared to control subjects.[55] Other studies attained much more dramatic results; one particular study of trained runners showed a 44% increase in "race-pace" endurance, as well as a 51% increase in cycling endurance, after a dosage of 9 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight.[56] The extensive boost shown in the runners is not an isolated case; additional studies have reported similar effects. Another study found 5.5 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body mass resulted in subjects cycling 29% longer during high intensity circuits.[57]
Caffeine tolerance develops very quickly, especially among heavy coffee and energy drink consumers. Complete tolerance to sleep disruption effects of caffeine develops after consuming 400 mg of caffeine 3 times a day for 7 days. Complete tolerance to subjective effects of caffeine was observed to develop after consuming 300 mg 3 times per day for 18 days, and possibly even earlier.[68] In another experiment, complete tolerance of caffeine was observed when the subject consumed 750–1200 mg per day while incomplete tolerance to caffeine has been observed in those that consume more average doses of caffeine.[69]

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dangerous Chemicals in our Bottled Liquids?

My brother sent me this article. Its long, but very interesting. I know I buy a lot of bottled water and we all have it in our homes. Not something I think I will stress about too much, but still....take it for what its worth :)

By Will Dunham

ROCKVILLE, Maryland (Reuters) - A major study links a chemical widely used in plastic products, including baby bottles, to health problems in humans like heart disease and diabetes, but U.S. regulators said on Tuesday they still believe it is safe.

The chemical bisphenol A, or BPA, is commonly used in plastic food and beverage containers and in the coating of food cans.

Until now, environmental and consumer activists who have questioned the safety of BPA have relied on animal studies.

But the study by British researchers in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that among 1,455 U.S. adults, those with the highest levels of BPA were more likely to have heart disease, diabetes and liver-enzyme abnormalities than those with the lowest levels.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials said they would review the new findings, which were not yet published when the agency issued a draft conclusion in August that BPA is safe at current exposure levels.

"We have confidence in the data that we've looked at and the data that we're relying on to say that the margin of safety is adequate," FDA official Laura Tarantino said at a meeting of experts advising the agency on whether it made the right call.

"There are things you can do if you choose to reduce your level of bisphenol A," Tarantino said. "But we have not recommended that anyone change their habits or change their use of any of these products because right now we don't have the evidence in front of us to suggest that people need to."

Panel chairman Martin Philbert declined to say what the committee's next move would be.

BPA is used to make polycarbonate plastic, a clear shatter-resistant material in products ranging from baby bottles to medical devices.

BPA can mimic the hormone estrogen in the body.


People can consume BPA when it leaches out of the plastic into baby formula, water or food inside a container. Some retailers and manufacturers are moving away from products with BPA. Canadian officials have concluded BPA was harmful.

Steven Hentges of the American Chemistry Council, an industry group, said the study's design did not allow for anyone to conclude BPA causes heart disease and diabetes.

"On the other hand, though, bisphenol A has been very intensively studied in a very large number of laboratory animal studies. And the weight of evidence from those studies ... continues to support the safe use of products containing bisphenol A," he said in a telephone interview.

The British researchers, who acknowledged their findings are not proof that the chemical is causing the harm, analyzed urine samples from a U.S. government health survey of adults ages 18-74 representative of the U.S. population.

The 25 percent of people with the highest levels of bisphenol A in their bodies were more than twice as likely to have heart disease, including heart attacks or type 2 diabetes, compared to the 25 percent with the lowest levels.

At the FDA panel meeting, several scientists and activists said the FDA ignored animal studies finding health concerns and some called for the chemical to be banned in food containers.

Democratic U.S. Rep. John Dingell of Michigan, who heads the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, said the FDA has "focused myopically on industry-funded research."

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, ranking member of the Committee on Finance, released a letter he wrote to FDA Commissioner Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach asking why the agency has not appointed a safety panel to review BPA.

Tarantino said nothing was ignored but industry-funded studies finding no harm were important in the conclusions. The panel is expected to present its advice to the FDA next month.

Tarantino, head of the FDA's office of food additive safety, said there is talk of government scientists doing their own BPA safety studies, but that could take years to conduct.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sacrifice Brings Reward

Often times I tell my clients that I want you to be able to live your life and still enjoy the foods you love. This is true, but you also need to understand that the greatest reward doesn't come without some sort of sacrifice. True sacrifice will bring you loads more joy in the results. PLUS you will get there faster. Helen Keller once said, "Many persons have the wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose." I want everyone to succeed. And if you ask me, your healthy if definitely a worthy purpose. So today and everyday, I want you to ask yourself this; What am I sacrificing to reach my goal today?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Key to True Success

Most people admire and respect strong individuals who have won great success by manifesting will power and self discipline. People in all walks of life, who with sheer will power, self discipline and ambition have improved their life, learned new skills, overcame difficulties and hardships, reduced their weight, rose high in their chosen field or advanced on the spiritual path.
The truth is that everyone can reach high levels of will power and self-discipline through a practical method of training. These inner power are not reserved for a few special people.
Will power and self discipline are two of the most important and useful inner powers in everyone's life, and have always been considered as essential tools for success in all areas of life. They can be learned and developed like any other skill, yet, in spite of this, only few take any steps to develop and strengthen them in a systematic way.
What is self discipline? It is the rejection of instant gratification in favor of something better. It is the giving up of instant pleasure and satisfaction for a higher and better goal.
It manifests as the ability to stick to actions, thoughts and behavior, which lead to improvement and success. Self-discipline is self-control, and it manifests in spiritual, mental, emotional and physical discipline. http://www.enotalone.com/article/2873.html
The benefits of self control are unlimited. You can honestly attain anything you want if you can learn to be the captain of your own ship.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Importance of Resistance Training

Most of the literature incorporates both strength and endurance training into one category called “Resistance Training”. Regardless of whether training is done to improve strength or to improve endurance, it is important to include as part of a regular exercise program.
Most adults lose about ½ pound of muscle each year after the age of 20. Muscle mass is associated with metabolism. Muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more efficient you are (and the more you need to eat). Resistance training builds muscle to prevent or reduce muscle loss and help improve metabolism – a key to maintaining your weight.

Benefits of Resistance Training
In addition to the physical appearance benefits, here are some of the other benefits shown in the literature:
Improved blood pressure
Increased bone density
Improved metabolic function
Improved balance and shock absorbency
Improved body composition
Increased strength of muscles and connective tissue which decreases the risk of injury.


Friday, August 22, 2008

In-Home Workout Equipment

I have had a lot of people this week asking me where to get some good at home equipment without the thousand dollar+ price tag. I did a bit of research and to my surprise, I was pleasantly enlightened. Here in Utah, we have a great classified resource. KSL provides a wide variety of used exercise equipment at a fraction of the retail cost.

Even at the local superstore, Dumbbells are not a rip off, but they are not exactly cheap. So these are a resource I recommend looking into. For those of you not in the state of Utah, I recommend checking your local Craiglist, or other local shops. Your health and fitness is definitely an investment. You can take the education and lifestyle and put it to work for you. You can learn how to make this equipment contribute to a better life and not end up like the other 250 million home gyms in our nation that only contribute to dust collection in the basement.

Here are the links:
KSL Classifieds http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=486&cat=186
CRAIGSLIST http://www.craigslist.org/about/sites.html

You all are inspirations to the world. Keep up the hard work.

-As always, - Jared

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


PowerBlocks are the world’s best Dumbbells.
Why? PowerBlocks are perfectly balanced. They are the heaviest, most compact and easiest to use quick change dumbbell. PowerBlock is the only dumbbell system that can expand to meet your strength needs. Start with a 50 lb set, expand to 90 lbs, expand again to 130 lbs. Dumbbells are the most versatile and effective exercise tool ever developed for strength training. Now you can have rapid access to a whole rack of dumbbells at home in the space of just 1 pair, and at a fraction of the price of conventional dumbbells.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Is Carbonation Bad?

I can give you a number of reasons to avoid drinking colas and other sodas but the carbonation they contain is not one of them. The notion that the carbonation in sodas is bad for bones comes from studies performed in the early 1990s which suggested that drinking carbonated beverages, specifically colas, raises the risk of bone fractures among adolescent girls and older women (former college athletes). No such association was found for non-cola drinks. The researchers also found that a high intake of calcium was protective.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (September 2001) looked at the question of whether carbonated beverages increase urinary excretion of calcium. If so, this effect might provide a plausible link between consumption of carbonated beverages and an increased risk of fractures.

Researchers from the Osteoporosis Research Center at Creighton University found that excess urinary excretion of calcium occurred only when the carbonated beverages consumed contained caffeine. At least one earlier study had suggested that caffeine consumption can have a deleterious effect on bone health if not counteracted by sufficient calcium. The Creighton researchers found that the caffeine effect they saw was balanced by less excretion of calcium later in the day so that the net result was only a negligible loss of calcium. This led them to conclude that any effect on bone associated with carbonated drinks would stem from lowered calcium intake due to displacement of milk as a beverage. Incidentally, this study was sponsored by the dairy industry, which would have had an interest in the opposite result.

I wouldn't worry about the carbonation in sodas. My concerns about consumption of soft drinks focus more on the unhealthy amounts of sugar, artificial sweeteners and caffeine they contain. The carbonation itself is not a problem, and Perrier and other carbonated mineral waters are perfectly safe.

Andrew Weil, M.D. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/id/QAA157077

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Way to go Paul!

Way to go Paul! 7 Weeks of strictly muscle gain.

In the process of gaining 16 lbs of muscle Paul lost 8.8% Body fat (14lbs fat.)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Live Internet Seminar, Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss

I will be teaching a seminar over the Internet in the next couple of weeks. You are invited to join on your computer and invite anyone you know to join from the comfort of their own homes. There will be no cost, just loads of education. The date is not yet solid, but this gives you a chance to talk to your friends about what you are doing to improve your body and your health.

It will be live and identical to a classroom setting, so you will be able to ask questions and interact as if you were there. We will be discussing the truth about weight loss vs fat loss and why 95% of the United States is failing in their attempts to improve their physique. As many of you know, the population of our country as a whole is approaching 70% overweight. It is projected that in the next 20 years, we will surpass 90%.

Please start telling your friends and family and I will get you more information soon.

Thanks everyone! Keep up the hard work.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Silent Killer

Trailer #1 for upcoming documentary on the obesity epidemic, "Killer At Large".

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cheat Right

Obviously the less you cheat, the faster you will attain your fat loss goals. But most of us need something every once and a while to keep motivated and feeling human.
Making the better choice with cheat foods is important. Some cheat foods are so rich in sugar, that they can have devastating affects on our blood glucose levels. For most people, a lack of control of their blood sugar levels is what got them in the overweight boat that they are in and that is exactly why it is so important to know how to cheat right.
A really fast way to ruin things is with loads of sugar. Fruit sugar is much better, but can also be harmful is large amounts. So avoiding high sugar candy and sodas is a must. But what can you get that is not so harmful? That is where you need to educate yourself. Sugar free candies can be "ok" sometimes. For example; sugar free Mentos, sugar free gummy bears, a diet soda, and low sugar Popsicles are all ok from time to time and in moderation. Veggies are not as exciting but they are a great choice when you have the munchies. This is something you need to keep your eye out for, especially when you are at the grocery store. Familiarize yourself with the nutrition facts and become educated about what you are eating.
The most successful and fit people in this world are those who know how to cheat right. Still getting that "fix" without making devastating choices.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Not Just For Strong Bones

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Supplementing with calcium helps the body in many ways. Calcium builds and maintains bones and teeth. It regulates the rhythm of the heart, eases insomnia, helps regulate the passage of nutrients in and out of cellular membranes, and assists in blood clotting. Calcium is also very valuable in maintaining proper nerve and muscle function, as well as normal kidney function. Current scientific research shows that it reduces the occurrence of colon cancer and reduces blood cholesterol levels. Calcium deficiency can result in arm and leg muscle spasms, softening of bones, leg and back cramps, brittle bones, rickets, poor growth, osteoporosis, tooth decay, and depression.

Magnesium is a mineral that is potentially involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating the neuromuscular activity of the heart, maintaining normal heart rhythm, converting blood sugar into energy, and metabolizing calcium and vitamin C properly. Deficiency of magnesium can result in calcium depletion, heart spasms, nervousness, confusion, muscular excitability, and kidney.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Adapting to New Situations

Hello all. Its been a while since I have posted. Just wanted to show everyone why. The Eifel Tower was beautiful, but who knew you had to wait in so many lines. We waited at the bottom for about an hour, and then when you think you have it made, you find out that you have to wait in more lines on the second level to get into another elevator. :) All in all we waited for 4 hours to spend 5 mins at the top. As you can see though, its quite the view.

As for a little healthy motivation. France was totally out of our element but we found a small grocery store not far from our hotel and found some good food. Incredibly expensive, but not nearly the price we would pay if we would have eaten out all the time. We made sandwiches took them with us everywhere we went. It was really simple, and made it so we weren't running around looking for food all the time. (especially when you are waiting in stupid lines all the time) All in all it was a great side trip.

Never forget, no matter how crazy life gets or how far out of your element you are, you can always find a way to stay on track. Its just a matter of thinking ahead. Keep up the great work everyone. I will see you in a week!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Eating on Vacation

Eating on vacation can be a real adventure. I arrived in Holland a few hours ago and let me tell you about my plane ride. Obviously I was not able to prepare my food for this 14 hour flight, and making due is possible, but you have to plan ahead. The longest leg of the flight was 10 hours and they fed us twice (not nearly enough). The dinner was ok, just a chicken breast and some rice and veggies. But the breakfast was a joke. A criossant and some melon. Totally imbalanced and pitifully small. Meal replacement bars are lifesavers though. I threw a couple in my carry on and I was set.

The hard part isnt always the traveling though. Its adjusting your new rules to new food and different schedules. It all comes down to making the best choices with the education you are aquiring, and sticking to the 3 rules I pound in to your head on a weekly basis. If you are not familiar with those, then I suggest getting out your book and memorizing them.

Staying lean and looking great should not be a battle, but a lifestyle. I trust that you can make wise choices, eat enough, and never miss a meal. These are key points to someone who truly has a fired up, fat burning metabolism.

I will post some more pics as I get them.

You guys are great!  

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Beautiful Skin, Inside and Out

Healthy skin is an important part of a well body. Feeling good about yourself not only needs to come from a healthy body fat percentage and a nutritious diet, but from looking good on the outside as well. Healthy skin comes from the inside and the outside. Obviously environment has a lot to do with keeping us moisturized. But humidity was something we are not blessed with in Utah.

So, keeping your skin moisturized is key. The best time is after a shower or bath when the skin is exfoliated and moist.  Choose a lotion that is rich in Vitamin A and D and that contains such things as aloe or oatmeal. There are a lot to choose from and many other good ingredients, so it is hard to go wrong. 

Sunscreen is also key to keeping skin healthy and young. UV damage can cause early aging and decrease the elasticity of the cells. Make sure to protect yourself when you are outdoors. 

Developing healthy skin from the inside is easy. Taking multivitamins daily will ensure many of the nutrients needed to keep all the cells in the body healthy. The nutrient that it lacks, is fat. Our bodies are made up of billions of cells, all of which are surrounded by a lipid wall (made of fat). To keep these cells healthy, we need to make sure that we are getting enough of the right types of fat.   Fortunately, we have made this easy for you. Taking essential fatty acids (fats that our bodies do not make) ensure that you get what you need. 

Not only do they help with beautiful, healthy skin. But they also help you to develop strong, healthy nails and hair. Fatty acids aide in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol as well as promote healthy blood glucose levels.  They reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, and decrease unsightly varicose veins. Fatty acids have even been link to the relief of rheumatoid arthritis and the decreased risk of stroke.

The list goes on and on. Really, the point I want to bring across is that health is more that just diet and exercise. Proper supplementation is key to keeping the body functioning properly and making sure that we think about the inside and the outside.  

You guys are all great. Keep up the good work and take care of yourselves!  

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Take Advantage of the Warm Weather

Many of you are aware of the health benefits that cardiovascular exercise entails. In fact, with each of your specific goals, there is cardio involved. I encourage you all to get outside. Leave the gym for bit and enjoy the warm weather while we have it. The 4th of July is coming quickly and that means a 3 day weekend. Wake up early, go for a jog or a bike ride. Go to a park with your family and play frisbee and have a healthy BBQ. This is your opportunity to change things up and enjoy it too. Too many of us get caught up in the everyday routine, and while exercise is one of the best habits to have there is no better exercise than exercise outside. 

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sucess in Numbers

Many people underestimate the power of the people around them. Too many people fail because they try to accomplish their health and fitness goals alone. If you want to greatly increase your chances of reaching your goal and decreasing temptation, then you need support. Of course I am here for you, and you can rest assured that I will be holding you accountable for your actions. But, that may not be the easiest way to stay motivated. You need a friend. I don't mean someone to do all of your workouts with you. (although that is nice sometimes) What I mean is that you need to make your goals known. Let your family, friends, co-workers, and the people you see on a day-to-day basis know that you are on mission. To lose the flab and get healthy. Almost everyone you tell will change their attitude and want to help you. They may tease or tempt you a little bit, but I can assure you that it's mainly because they feel guilty about their own self-image. That's where you can help yourselves and them and invite them to join you. Your chances of success greatly improve with the support of others. It no longer becomes a personal goal, it becomes a lifestyle change. Your decision will effect everyone around you whether you think it will or not.
I believe this is so important that I am willing to give anyone a complementary Gift Card worth a free week's session, or $25 in free supplements for referring someone that signs up.
Keep up the hard work everyone!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Beyond the Comfort Zone

Although sweat can be an indicator that your workouts are pushing you to the limits, they are not always an indicator that you are getting a good enough workout. Many people gauge their workout by how much they sweat, and unfortunately that isn't what I am going to ask you to do.

I want you to take your workout to the next level. I want you to take what you think you can do and push a bit harder. When you are in the process of changing your body composition, you are going to need to do something extra. Its not a surprise that losing fat and strengthening muscle is not an easy process. Your body will want to fight you every step of the way. The best way to not let it win is to give it a good fight. For your body to make adaptations, you have to face physical hardship. I am not talking about injury or exhaustion. I am talking about not quiting to early, and not underestimating your own strength.

This week I want everyone to ramp up their exercise. Push yourselves to true failure and lets see some serious results. You are all awesome. Keep up the great work!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More Spinach Please!

There are tons of benefits! So everyone, eat up! Its a free food, so there is no need to worry about extra calories. Check it out.
  1. Spinach contains choline and inositol, the substances that help to prevent atherosclerosis or thickening and hardening of arteries.
  2. Spinach and alfalfa help stabilize blood sugar
  3. among diabetics to several handful spinach, add 3 cups of water. Place over low heat for one hour. Then strain. Take ½ cup twice a day. Spinach and alfalfa may be served as part of the meal.
  4. Spinach is loaded with flavonoid that function as antioxidant and anti-cancer agent.
  5. Spinach contain carotenoid that help fights cancer.
  6. Spinach is a rich source of Vitamins C and A (Immune system booster and healthy skin)
  7. Spinach is an anti-aging vegetable.
  8. Spinach is a good source of Vitamin K, which aids in the formation of the blood substance required for clotting of blood.
  9. Spinach is helpful in the following cases ; Anemia, Tumors, Constipation, Insomnia, Obesity, Neuritis (inflammation of nerves), Nerve exhaustion, High blood pressure, Bronchitis, Colon cancer, Prostate cancer, Breast cancer, Osteoporosis, Dyspepsia (chronic indigestion), Also helps ailment of the kidneys, bladder and liver.

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

  • Vitamin A : 9,420 I.U.
  • Vitamin B : Thiamine .11 mg.;
  • Riboflavin : .20 mg.;
  • Niacin : .6 mg.
  • Vitamin C : 59 mg.
  • Good source of Vitamin k : amount undetermined.
  • Calcium : 81 mg
  • Iron : 3.0 mg.
  • Phosphorus : 55 mg.
  • Potassium : 470 mg.
  • Carbohydrates : 3.2 gm.
  • Protein : 2.3 gm.
  • Calories : 20

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Protein Pancakes

Here is a quick, easy and delicious way to curb a craving and get some balanced nutrition in the process.

1/2 cup oats

1/2 cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese

4-5 egg whites

1 scoop protein powder (vanilla)

Blend until batter consistency. Then pour into a frying pan like normal pancakes.

Thats the basics. You can add your own items for flavoring... for example

mix in 1/2 cup blueberries after blending.

Top with some calorie free butter spray and some sugar free syrup and enjoy!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Howard took his final picture today, and I know a lot of you wanted to see. So here you are. Howard ended at 9.2% body fat. He lost over 70lbs of fat. Nice job.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Importance of Sleep when Dieting

Here is a really great article I found on sleep deprivation and weight gain. I hope all of you are getting your sleep! Keep up the hard work.
The Stages of Sleep

In order to understand the link between sleep deprivation and weight gain it is important to know how much quality sleep we need. Experts believe that adults require seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Studies have shown that decreased amounts of REM sleep can lead to an increased food intake. The two phases of sleep are referred to as non-REM sleep and REM sleep. The "REM" in both phases stands for "Rapid Eye Movement."
Non-REM: Non-REM sleep is divided into four phases:
Phase 1: During this phase, a person is in between wake and sleep. The person can be awakened easily.
Phase 2: This is a period of light sleep during which body temperature drops.
Phase 3 and Phase 4: These are the phases during which a person experiences an increasingly deeper stage of sleep called delta sleep. During this restorative stage, the body is repairing itself, building bone and muscle and releasing certain hormones.
REM: REM is the phase during which a person dreams. It's a period of greater brain activity but less muscle activity.
Sleep Apnea and Weight Gain
Researchers now believe that sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, may contribute more to obesity than they once thought. Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a sleeping person stops breathing because his or her airways are obstructed, or blocked.Although sleep apnea can affect anyone, it is more common in overweight men. Other risk factors include being more than 40 years old, having a large neck and having a family history of the disorder. While some may think sleep apnea is just a snoring problem, if left untreated, it can lead to heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke.People who suffer from sleep apnea and other sleep disorders are less likely to enter the deeper, restorative phases of sleep and therefore run the risk of packing on extra pounds as well.
Sleep, Hormones and Weight Gain
Leptin and Grehlin are hormones that help the body control appetite and weight gain and loss. Leptin suppresses appetite, while Grehlin increases appetite and may prevent a person from losing weight.When lack of sleep becomes a chronic problem, levels of Grehlin increases, causing greater appetite, and levels of Leptin decrease. Regardless of diet and exercise, it's possible that some obesity is caused, or made worse, by sleep deprivation.
Getting to Sleep to Prevent Weight Gain
If you are experiencing problems sleeping and think your sleeping disorders might be causing you to gain weight, you should consider visiting a doctor, who can discuss ways to help restore your normal sleeping pattern.You may even want to consult a sleep lab for evaluation. There, you will spend the night hooked up to electrodes, which will monitor your brain activity during sleep. The process is painless and may be covered by your insurance.If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, your doctor may prescribe one therapy, or a combination of therapies. Regular exercise will improve your quality of sleep, as will reducing or eliminating you intake of alcohol, caffeine and tobacco.If enlarged tonsils are obstructing your airway and causing sleep apnea, the doctor might want to surgically remove the organs. He or she also may prescribe sleep medications to help you sleep through the night. While some newer sleep medications may be used for long-term sleep problems, it's important for you and your doctor to weigh their risks and benefits. Getting your sleep problems diagnosed and treated may be the first step in accomplishing your weight loss goals. If you've tried everything to lose weight and nothing seems to be working, don't give up. Lack of sleep may be keeping you from achieving weight loss success. http://www.sleep-deprivation.com/articles/effects-of-sleep-deprivation/weight.php

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Healthy Substitutions

An easy way to eat healthier, and still eat the foods you love is to make small substitutions to your meals. This is something that you can learn to do and before you know it, you dont even think about it anymore.

For example, when you are baking you substitute applesauce in place of butter. When you are cooking in a frying pan always use an alternative to fat like Pam. Low calorie butter spray in place of butter or margerine. Whole wheat flour instead of bleached, whole wheat pasta in place regular, wild or brown rice in place of white. Yams or sweet potatoes in place white potatoes. Lean cuts of beef like sirloin or tenderloin in place of pot roast, ribs, or prime rib.

On the sweeter side of things, its always better to avoid high sugar foods. Most of the time you are never going to notice a difference. Sugar free candy is hit and miss. A lot of times they make up for the lack of sugar with an extra side of fat. Sugar free syrups, jams and jellies, sodas and drinks, are all going to save you on the unwanted calories. Not to mention the effect they have on our blood sugar.

When it comes to dairy, it is always better to choose the lowfat or non-fat cheeses (when you are cooking with cheese, you can't tell a difference in taste so non-fat is much better), low-fat milks, yogurts and make sure you check the date so you get the freshest availible.

Fresh or frozen veggies are better than canned. And to prevent a loss of nutrition, steaming, grilling, or micro-waving them is a lot better than boiling or sauteing them. The fresher the better!

When it comes to dressing and sauces, red almost always will be a healthier bet than cream or white. Avoid oily or buttery dressings, and go for the vineagarettes or tomato based sauces.

Hopefully this helps you to make better choices. These little things can add up quickly.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Silent Sabatoge

My wife and I like to eat out. Its easy, its convienent, and a lot of the time it tastes pretty good. As most of you know, I am a little weird when it comes to eating things when I dont know thier exact nutritional content (or at least a pretty good idea of whats in it). So I decided to make myself a travel binder and go online to get the nutritional information on a lot local restraunts and food chains. That way, while I am out, I dont have to wonder. Even though I dont eat at fast food places very often, I decided to just get it all. What I discovered was shocking.
The craziest thing to me was that this was all published. You would think if fast food chains served poison, they would try to hide it. But all these restaurants dont try to hide anything. People would'nt walk in with the intention of ordering a #9 combo and a poison shot instead of a soda. No one would say, "Does the poison come in cherry or carmel?" They dont try to hide anything, because the unhealthy food doesnt keep people away.
Here's the real problem. We generally aren't aware of whats in the food that is prepared for us. That, right there, should be a crime. We then wonder why nearly 70% of the U.S. is overweight. But, don't you think a little more knowledge would help us in the battle for being fit and healthy? You shouldnt have to guess. If you like to eat out, I suggest making a binder for yourselves. Go online and see if your local eatery's have listed thier nutrition facts on a website. If you can't find anything, they are usually willing to provide you with them upon request.
Here are a few shocking discoveries;
Rumbi's - Beach Club Sandwich : Cals-1130 Fat-33g Carbs-173g Protein-45g
Chili's - Fajita Steak Quesadillas w/ Guacamole : Cals 2020 Fat-111g Carbs-150 Protein-102g
Subway's - Meatball Marinara : Cals-1120 Fat-48g Carbs-126g Protein-48g SUGAR-26g ( 3-1/2 teaspoons )
Unfortunately, there are easy ways to make bad choices. But it doesnt have to be that way. Know whats in what you eat, your health should'nt be a bet. You shouldnt have to one day look in the mirror and wonder what happened. You should be able to confidently say, I know what I put in my body, I know that I am healthy.
If you need help with ideas or even just general health questions. You know how to contact me. Keep up the great work everyone, no matter where you are :)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sugar Cravings

Weekends are a killer. When you are trying to follow a strict structure, they can throw you off. If you are a normal person (and doing what I ask you to do), :) you may start craving sweets later in the day. ESPECIALLY on the weekends.

I want to make this process as easy as possible for us and control your cravings. Today's blog will cover two issues. Education and solution. I want you to understand why you crave and how you can fix it.

First of all, lets answer why. Your blood sugar is touchy. It needs to be between a certain level. Meaning not too high and not too low. What happens when its too high? Your body has more than it can metabolize and you store the left over as fat. (We want to avoid this like it was the plague) When your blood sugar is too low, you are out of energy. You have probably skipped a meal, are not eating balanced meals (protein, fats, & carbs) or you haven't consumed enough carbohydrates for your body to maintain a healthy level of blood sugars. When its too low you will burn muscle for energy. Not only does this make you tired and cranky, but it makes you crave. You need instant gratification.........SUGAR. Thats why we crave so much. Your mind knows that the fastest way to get it back up is to eat sweets.

Solutions. If you are on a path of becoming a fat burning machine, you need to learn ways of controlling these cravings and understanding the difference between hunger and cravings. If you are following the diet structure I have laid out for you, not having enough carbohydrates is not the problem. If we want to burn fat, we need to eat less of them during the later hours of the day. So how do we help sugar cravings? There are several ways.

  • Diet drinks are helpful for some, sugar free Kool-Aid or Crystal Light is helpful as well. One of my personal favorites has become the sugar free Popsicles.
  • Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, so drink some more water.
  • Out of sight, out of mind. If you have lots of sweets laying around, get rid of them.
  • Make sure you are using your diet journal and check to make sure that you haven't gone more than 3 hours without eating.
  • Make sure that all your meals are balanced. If you are leaving something out, this can cause problems.
Cravings and hunger can be very different things. If you are getting too full or too hungry, let me know. I am here to help :)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Forget to Stretch?

Stretching is an important part of your resistance routine. Here are some of my thoughts and advice on how to make it part of your routine.

Give your body a chance to warm-up, stretching cold muscles can cause injury. This can be as little as five minutes of low-intensity walking. Just get the blood flowing. Post workout stretching will help with muscle soreness, but remember that soreness isnt always a bad thing. It is a sign that did something you are not used to and the body will make changes because of it.

While stretching, exhale deeply and gently stretch the muscle for around 30 seconds. Counting will keep you from cheating. NO BOUNCING. Bouncing during a stretch can increase the risk of a pulled muscle or injury.

Try stretching immediately after a shower or even in a hot bath or hot tub. The warm water will increase body temperature to make it stretch easier.

Try stretching in the morning. Simple full body stretches can invigorate, wake you and make a great start to your day.

Try a stretching class such as yoga or tai chi. This will help you stretch on a regular basis.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What Is This Mystery Substance?

Here is a really great article I found.

Is this the magic bullet that you've been waiting for? Before I tell you what it is, let's find out all the wonderful things it does.
First of all it is the most underrated and yet dramatically effective keys to weight loss and, in particular, body fat reduction to get and keep you lean. It performs several biological functions in addition to its fat reduction properties. It is important in regulating thermal conditions in the body. It helps keep the internal and external thermal equilibrium in check so your system cool itself much more efficiently which reduces the effects of high temperature allow for us to tolerate heat much better.
It acts to lubricate joints and ease in joint related soreness and inflammation. It is extremely important in the removal of waste by-products and toxins that form in the blood from metabolic functions and other internal processes. It helps promote health skin.
This magical elixir also seems to act as a natural appetite suppressant. In fact, people on diets will find themselves feeling "hungry" much more often and more severely than those who consume much more of it. Research shows that there are several reasons for this but mostly it is because dieters are getting less of this substance from their food because they're eating less food, which we know is not the right approach to fat reduction. This deficiency leads to a reduction in fluid consumption and results in excessive cravings. These cravings can be significantly curbed with increased intake of our mystery substance.
Consuming enough of this fluid allows the kidneys to function optimally. When the kidneys function at their peak, the liver too becomes more efficient at its function by removing more toxins and waste by-products from the blood and increases its efficiency in metabolizing fat. The end result is an increased fat burning capacity in the liver that translates into a greater reduction in overall body fat composition.
When the body doesn't get sufficient amounts of it, it'll metabolically shift into a defensive mode to "preserve" what fat stores it currently has. This can only result in a negative slowdown of bodily functions and processes. This is the same thing that happens when consumption of fat falls below 10 percent for extended periods of time or left completely out of the diet. The body resists and compensates by holding on to as much of its fat stores as possible, thus defeating the purpose and shifting it's preference toward protein if adequate carbohydrate is not available.
This is why I recommend a nutrition program rich in "good" fats that promote metabolism.
The substance we are talking about here as you might have realized by now is water. The fact that muscle is composed of seventy percent (70%) water should lend considerable insight into just how valuable it is not only to our very existence but to our muscle building and fat loss goals as well.

The bottom line here is that especially during these hotter months and all year round, drinking sufficient amounts of pure water should be the first step in any serious fat reduction program. It can never be stressed enough how important it is to drink AT LEAST sixty-four (64) ounces of water between meals every day. Cold water also has the added benefit of further increasing metabolic rates, as it requires the additional expenditure of calories in order for the body to warm it up.
Those of us in the fitness and body building arena know that at least a gallon or more per day is pretty much our normal intake which is required for support and recovery from the effects of intense workouts. Remember, there is no such thing as too much water.